[gcompris-devel] Translation status

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Sat Aug 23 06:18:30 UTC 2003

Now gcompris is translated in 27 languages and 15 are updated above 50%
like shows the table bellow.

am: 19%(97/1/503)*      fr: 99%(498/0/503)*     nl: 99%(499/0/503)*
ar: 28%(142/5/503)*     he: 25%(127/0/503)*     no: 42%(212/0/503)
az: 21%(110/60/503)*    hi: 28%(145/0/503)*     pt_BR:  5%(29/17/503)*
ca:  9%(50/0/503)*      hu: 60%(303/91/503)*    pt: 98%(493/0/503)*
cs: 96%(485/0/503)*     it: 87%(440/35/503)*    ro: 85%(432/1/503)*
de: 99%(499/0/503)*     lt: 51%(261/99/503)*    ru: 33%(170/54/503)*
el: 19%(99/39/503)*     mk: 77%(389/205/503)*   sk: 55%(280/93/503)*
es: 99%(499/0/503)*     ml:  8%(41/3/503)*      sv:100%(503/0/503)
fi: 10%(52/33/503)*     ms: 61%(311/38/503)*    tr: 92%(467/3/503)*

If someone need help and advice on how to update a po, he/she can post
to the list/

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