[gcompris-devel] [Announce Release of gcompris 1.0]

Bruno Coudoin bcoudoin at anfora.fr
Mon Mar 18 08:00:21 UTC 2002

Finally we got it...

* GCompris 1.0 is released. I would like first to thanks all the
contributers that helped gcompris to get there.
* New board from Pascal to teach space orientation. In this board, one
hand is displayed and you must tell if it is the right or left.
* New board from Pascal to learn colors. In this board, several toons
are displayed and a color is speaken (french only today). The kid must
select the proper toon.
* the slovak translation has been created by Zdenko Podobný.
* Better mouse pointer by Arnaud Rolly
* The draw board now includes a grid that makes it possible to introduce
new activities like 'reproduce this'. To give reference, a new point
object is indroduced. Lines are easier to move.
* gcompris now works well in other locales, e.g. Lithuanian. Changes
made by Gediminas Paulauskas


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