[gcompris-devel] Re: gcompris

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Tue Jun 25 06:02:03 UTC 2002

First, sory for my late reply. I was in the states for a business trip.
My return brings me a lot of work and I had to limit myself on gcompris.
It will be better in july I hope.

I copy the gcompris devel list to introduce you.

As you have seen, gcompris needs a lot of work to enhance it
graphically. For your information, many items have been designed by
Renaud Blanchard with Blender. He is now out until september.

I don't know what you want to do and what you abilities are. To me, I'd
like to see a cute first menu with the items to select been merged in a
For example, we could have a kid room and when you click on the
computer, you go to the computer menu and so on.
Today, the gcompris menu does not support that but that easy to add
object coordinate in it.
Also, we would need a representative logo and icon. The plane is great
but the icon is not related to it. Both are non related to education.

As a general rule, it would enhance gcompris if we could have background
related to the activity like a shop for the scale, a scool board for
algebra, ...

Now, we are open to anything that could improve the overall quality,
please propose what you feel comfortable to start with.

Btw, is this an official suse project ?

Thanks for your help,

Le mar 18/06/2002 à 17:23, Peter Breuer a écrit :
> Hi!
> I have work together with Hili (Marcel Hilzinger) on gcompris Hungarian 
> translation. I am also graphician. What kind of graphics do you need in 
> gcompris? If you tell me, i draw it.
> Peter Breuer
> SuSE Linux AG Hungarian Office
> comp at suselinux.hu

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