[gcompris-devel] Re: nouveau shapegame

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Wed Jun 26 05:23:02 UTC 2002

Le mer 19/06/2002 à 23:45, J.Ph. Ayanides a écrit :
> Salut Bruno,
> - As-tu identifié le problème du zoomx, zoomy<1 (parametre du shape xml) qui 
> font disparaitre les pieces lorsqu'elle sont mises sur le canvas (pas sur le 
> spool) ? Faute de pouvoir utiliser des zoom < 1, je devrais faire des 
> compromis au niveau graphique qui ne sont pas bien élégants...
I have checked what's going on on this. What happen is that the value
must be written in the locale definition like in france 0,5 instead of
what whe expect 0.5
To fix that, a temporary locale change must be done in the code before
reading these values. I'll do it.

I have also made a change in gcompris to add a new button in the bar to
exit gcompris. This avoid quitting gcompris by clicking home too many

Unfortunatly, this code is on my home computer but I can't connect to my
ISP for no reason...


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