[gcompris-devel] [Announce gcompris 1.0.5]

Christof Petig christof at petig-baender.de
Mon Jun 3 01:35:02 UTC 2002

Bruno Coudoin wrote:
> Thomas, Christof, Of course I let you decide what is the best for the
> german voices. I hope you don't expect too much from me for that. I had
> 2 years of german at school but I never catch it :(

>>After thinking about it: what about 'Stufe'? Though somewhat uncommon 
>>among computer users these days (level seems to become a usual german 
>>word like cool) it implies changing difficulty.

Oh sorry, I should have marked the last sentence as irony or even 
sarcasm. This isn't clear to non native speakers (but perhaps French 
people have similar issues).


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