[gcompris-devel] Re: Some suggestion and again problems with GCompris translation

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Wed Jan 23 07:49:05 UTC 2002

Mantas, thanks for your feedback.
I don't have time to fully answer your mail now.
I would like to inform you about the new translation scheme. Translators
needs now to run 
../intltool-update lt
in the po directory to update the strings from the xml.in files.
Gcompris is not 100% translated yet. I believe the titles in the puzzles
is one exception and there should be few others.
My goal is to complete it before version 1.

I will look in detail at your other remarks.

Thanks for your feedback, Bruno.

le mer 23-01-2002 à 17:32, Mantas a écrit :
> Hello,
> I'm sending (attached) lithuanian words for the falling words board. Also the updated lithuanian translation of gcompris is attached. There are some problems with the translation:
> 1. About 50% of strings I couldn't find in gcompris.pot file (from gcompris-1.0pre1.tar.gz), but they where in the game (ex. I couldn't find string "Go to Algebra boards" in gcompris.pot). Some of them I could write to the lt.po file manualy and then they appeared translated in the game.
> 2. Some of translated strings are displayed untranslated in the game (ex. "Goal", "Manual" in help; "Music", "Effect" in configuration, etc.) 
> 3. In older versions correct lithuanian letters were displayed correctly, when I change last * to number 13 (to change the encoding of font) in all *.c files where function gdk_font_load are used  (ex. in menu.c) and now this doesn't help - special lithuanian letters from ISO-8859-13 encoding are displayed incorrectly (I guess the unicode is used everythere, because 1 lithuanian letter is diplayed as 2 symbols). I think it would be good if the change of locale setting in configuration board could change font encoding too.
> I have noticed some mistakes and have some suggestions fot enhancement, as usual :):
> 1. It would be good if in the falling words board the required number of falling words to go to next level would be bigger as now the whole game finishes rather quickly. I would suggest it could be about 10 words in 1st level and the number of words could increase in higher levels, too ex.: in 2nd level there could be 15 words, 3rd - 20 or something like that.
> 2. Guess it would be good if the notices appeared when the mouse is moved to 'settings', 'help' or 'about' icons, the same as it happens when the mouse is moved to boards' icons.
> 3. In simple letters board it would be just great and very useful if the kid could hear the sound of  typed letter (guess it is also possible to do the same with falling words).
> 4. You could cooperate with www.tux4kids.org, www.seul.org/edu (one of this projects is pingus -  pingus.seul.org), for example to produce together packages of letter and number sounds (english sounds, lithuanian sounds), lists of words used for various games, etc. (one of tux4kids projects - tuxtype also has falling letters and words games)
> 5. Where it is necessary to drag and drop some things (ex. matched things, puzzle) the dots to which the things are dragged have to be bigger as it is rather hard to notice them and hit on them
> 6. In Image name board - the places of the thing names could be set by random (ex. at first time  'sofa' at top middle, another at bottom right, etc.)
> Besides it is very difficult to drag bicycle, as it isn't selected as easy as other objects, because it is drawn of thin lines (and it is seen un-clearly)
> >> Also I have a suggestion about translations before release - you can write to
> >> all translators about week before release, because translators don't know 
> >> when it's time to translate gcompris. (or you can use pozilla)
> >
> >What is pozilla ?
> You don't know about pozilla? Then look here: http://www.gtranslator.org/pozilla.html
> or here: http://www.geocrawler.com/archives/3/264/2001/2/50/5206144/
> >On your side, do you plan to provide Lithuanian sounds (letters,
> >numbers, colors, congratulation messages, ...). This realy make it
> >localized.
> >Bruno.
> Yes, I plan to provide full translation (Lithuanian sounds, etc.), but now gcompris has many translation-related problems and I do not have enougth time :(
> (you could forward this letter to gcompris mailing list, maybe it would be interesting for other developers too and they would have more suggestions).
> Mantas K. (mantelis at centras.lt)

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