[gcompris-devel] Re: Canvas unicode font issue in redhat8.0

Bruno Coudoin bcoudoin at anfora.fr
Tue Dec 31 07:05:03 UTC 2002

OK, I finally found out what's going on.

If you run the intltool-merge program under the default locale 
on redhat for french which is fr_FR.UTF-8, then it fails.
I have been able to reproduce it in the intltool/test directory.

To compile gcompris, I have to do
export LOCALE=C
prior to compilation.

BTW, I tried to contact <xml-i18n-tools-list at gnome.org> but got an error.
If this adress is no more valid, then the message returned by
intli18n-merge --help should be changed.

It is good to finish the year on a solved issue.


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