[gcompris-devel] [Announce gcompris 2.0.0]

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Tue Dec 31 08:12:03 UTC 2002

GCompris has been ported to GNOME 2.0.
Starting at gcompris 2.0, you now need GNOME 2 on your system to run it.

The advantage of using GNOME 2 are a complete UTF-8 support, better
fonts display and support for alpha blending in PNG images in the

- New board in the puzzle boards menu :
  traffic board based on the GPL code from Geoff Reedy 
  <vader21 at imsa.edu>

- New board in the algebra menu:
  A money counting activity based on real Euro coins and papers.

Many graphical enhancements all arounds.

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