[gcompris-devel] Re: `Divide by zero' bug...

Bruno Coudoin bcoudoin at anfora.fr
Wed Oct 10 14:10:10 UTC 2001

I have not much time to explain now, but to go fast, the timers
functions are used to set the small progress bar in the gnome status bar
some board use it (like the fishes) but not all.
I have the action to remove this and to implement a more visible canvas
one. I suggest you to make it easy to remove the line where the divide
in the gcompris/bar.c:bar_set_timer.
Check if the stability is back.


le mer 10-10-2001 at 22:54 Herman Bruyninckx a écrit :
> Bruno,
> I've been looking a bit through the code again...
> And I have the following question: each board has a `start_board'
> function, but there is quite some difference in what exactly is
> included in that function. Of course, there are the board-specific
> things, but also in the level functions there is a difference for which I don't understand the reason. For example, clockgame.c has
>       gcomprisBoard->level=1;
>       gcomprisBoard->maxlevel=6;
>       gcomprisBoard->sublevel=0;
>       gcomprisBoard->number_of_sublevel=3;
>       gcompris_bar_set_maxtimer(gcomprisBoard->number_of_sublevel);
>       gcompris_bar_set(GCOMPRIS_BAR_LEVEL|GCOMPRIS_BAR_OK);
>       gcompris_bar_set_timer(0);
>       clockgame_next_level();
> while paratrooper.c has
>       gcomprisBoard->level = 1;
>       gcomprisBoard->maxlevel = 6;
>       gcompris_bar_set(GCOMPRIS_BAR_LEVEL|GCOMPRIS_BAR_HELP);
>       paratrooper_next_level();
> Also in the XXX_next_level there are differences in the placing of the
> same functions, which is quite confusing... Is there a reason for
> this?
> Since some of these calls involve calls to the timer function, they
> could have influence on the divide by zero bug...
> What exactly is the meaning of timer and maxtimer?
> Herman
Bruno Coudoin
ANFORA - http://www.anfora.fr
Tel: (33)5 61 00 34 67

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