[gcompris-devel] Re: `Divide by zero' bug...

Bruno Coudoin bcoudoin at anfora.fr
Mon Oct 15 00:53:03 UTC 2001


I worked hard this week end on gcompris overall stability. I confirm
that there is a bug in canvas-gdk-pixbuf and especially on the
level1.png icon. If you just copy level2.png over level1.png in your
gcompris installation, gcompris do not crash when entering a board.
I am sure you will understand that finding that the bug was in the icon
itself is rather complicate to find on a developper stand point ;)

I hope I will have time to create a new release this week.

With these changes I consider gcompris beeing stable.


le mer 10-10-2001 at 23:52 Herman Bruyninckx a écrit :
> On 10 Oct 2001, Bruno Coudoin wrote:
> > I have not much time to explain now, but to go fast, the timers
> > functions are used to set the small progress bar in the gnome status bar
> > some board use it (like the fishes) but not all.
> > I have the action to remove this and to implement a more visible canvas
> > one. I suggest you to make it easy to remove the line where the divide
> > in the gcompris/bar.c:bar_set_timer.
> > Check if the stability is back.
> >
> It's better: I can now set a couple of clocks, and then it crashes.
> But on something different. And I cannot find out what, because the
> debugger is running nuts on the changed gcompris...
> Herman

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