[FreeNX-kNX] [FreeNX-kNX / X++ Booster] FreeNX namechange

Terje Andersen terander at guard.zapto.org
Sat Jul 21 17:51:51 UTC 2007

   ----- Melding fra k1pfeifle at gmx.net ---------
    Dato: Sat, 21 Jul 2007 14:22:53 +0200
> Jo-Erlend Schinstad wrote:
>> I do, in fact, remember Lindows. Why do you think that is? :)
>> Litrix wouldn't be as informative as Lintrix, imho.
> Lintrix doesn't sound very similar to Citr*x. But Litrix does.

Why do we have to choose a name that draws attention from other  
"brands", why not choose something that stands on it's on feet?

   I like the concept behind VLSC, but the problem (as already  
described) for me is that it isn't very easy to pronounce. (I like the  
logo/artwork too :P) ScreenCable is maybe better, but still I hope for  
... something "better".

   HYDE too could work for me (Kurt - I didn't understand the  
arguments pro/con, could you elaborate please?), but I still have hope  
we find something "better".

   We need to keep in mind, as Gian Filippo wrote, that NoMachine  
don't want us to use 'NX' in the name, which I think we should respect.

Please send more ideas, I'll try to come up with some too during the  

(As a sidenote, anyone remember why Lindows changed their name? :P )

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