[FreeNX-kNX] Looking for NX and FreeNX success stories

Bruce Stephens freenx at cenderis.demon.co.uk
Wed Jul 20 08:47:36 UTC 2005

Paul van der Vlis <paul at vandervlis.nl> writes:


> So anyone using NX logs in as the user "nx" with a public key. After
> this, the user "nx" uses a shell called "nxserver", and then you
> need to login with a password.

Yes, and that password is verified (by default) using ssh, and its own
password database.  So if ssh is configured not to allow passwords (as
mine are), and I haven't added a password to nxserver's database, then
that's not going to work.  (Other methods are available, such as su
(which would have worked in my setup), but they're disabled by

None of this is really a problem for most users, I imagine.  And in
the great scheme of things these are minor issues, and I'm sure
there's a document somewhere that describes all of this so I could
have quickly fixed it, but I didn't find it.

I'm just suggesting that people could be sucked in easily by
presenting just something that works like VNC but better (and NX is
much faster): that way you can rely on quite a bit of understanding
that can be easily translated.  And I think the nxserver extra bits
would be easier to follow after that.

However, maybe it doesn't matter once everything's easier to install,
and the documentation is reorganized.

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