[FreeNX-kNX] why is initial authentication/connecting so slow?

Tomasz Chmielewski mangoo at interia.pl
Fri Feb 18 20:34:02 UTC 2005

Gian Filippo Pinzari wrote:
> Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
>> OK, I found that it is that slow only when I use NoMachine nxclient.
> You can tail -f the 'sshlog and the 'session' output and check
> what's taking so long. Would you be so kind to do that for me?
> This is first time I hear about such a slowness problem.

I'm not sure I know what you mean.

What is a ssh log? A normal system log that logs ssh connections?
There's only normal stuff in it.

What is the session output?

When I use NoMachine nxclient, there is no session output (or I don't 
know how to enable it). As I noticed, there is only output when 
connection failed etc.

>> With Knx connecting takes few seconds, but I'm unable to connect in 
>> the end, as Knx does not support connecting in a SSH/SSL tunnel, but 
>> instead wants to connect directly to :5001 port.
> So, how much time does it take to connect with the NoMachine
> client when not using SSH/SSL tunneling?

It's long (> 1 minute) either I use ssh/SSL tunneling or not.

> Can it be that the slowness is related to resolving entries
> when xauth is run on the client? 

I don't know?
How to check it?
What "resolving entries" do you refer to?

> What exact version of nxclient
> are you using (Configure -> Environment -> About)?

It's nxclient-1.4.0-91, downloaded from www.nomachine.com, for Mandrake.

> Old versions of nxclient were requesting a full list of all
> the entries listed in the .Xauthority file, instead of checking
> only the right cookie. This required running a name lookup for
> each entry, including non-existing hosts. This problem should
> have been solved in recent versions.

I have a newest version possible, so this shouldn't be a case.


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