[FreeNX-kNX] rootless/application mode over internet?

Sarah Katherine Hayes aleph.wintermute at ntlworld.com
Sat Aug 27 06:58:42 UTC 2005

Thanks for prompt reply.

>On Sat, Aug 27, 2005 at 07:19:20AM +0100, Sarah Katherine Hayes wrote:
>>Found ebuilds for FreeNX 0.4.4 and the NoMachine 1.5.0 OSS releases on 
>>bugs.gentoo.org. Took a little playing to get them all working but after 
>>whatever the application is as it's title). I admit that at home I'm 
>>using a 1.4 client and after recently rebuilding my work laptop it's 
>>ended up with a 1.5.0 client. So, can rootless mode work over the 
>>internet yet?
>Rootless-mode should work with ENABLE_1_5_0_BACKEND smoothly (there was a
>change in the nxagent-call between the two version, and the stability
>increased very much of this mode). So if really have the 1.5.x-libs and
>>=0.4.4 it works, or you have to provide more information about the error,
>which occurs.
I'll turn on as much logging as possible and post a follow up when I try 
it from work Monday. I *think* I remember seeing that the proxy had 
requested the session end, or words to that effect. I'll reply back when 
I've got more information.

>>Is it possible to create a command line that will kick off an 
>>application? So for example I could have my Thunderbird icon point to 
>>say: nxclient <session stuff> <application to run> and just double click 
>>it to do my biding? :)
>you better implement this on "the-other-side" and call a programm-chooser
>remotely, as for such a feature you have to alter the config-files, and this
>could be a mess. (if you never did something like this). 
Sorry about this one, I was being dumb. The simplest way I just found is 
to create a session for each application and tell the connection wizard 
to save icons to the desktop, assign them the icon I want and after the 
first time they're run (to get the username & password) they'll 
automatically connect and bring the application up, I'm not overly 
worried about security at the momment.  Although yes some form of 
application chooser popping up would allow for greater flexibility. I'll 
have a tinker with the various FreeNX files and see what I can coax it 
in to doing :)



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