[FreeNX-kNX] rootless/application mode over internet?

Sarah Katherine Hayes aleph.wintermute at ntlworld.com
Sat Aug 27 06:19:20 UTC 2005


Found ebuilds for FreeNX 0.4.4 and the NoMachine 1.5.0 OSS releases on 
bugs.gentoo.org. Took a little playing to get them all working but after 
compiling them wow! That's a major improvment over the 1.4.0 and 0.4.0 
stuff. I'm sat here on my lan with kword quietly doing it's thing, no 
weird black full screen window or anything. Windows XP even has the 
application icons shown correctly.

I do have a couple of questions though, I do try to keep up with this 
group and the changelog's but I might have missed something.
 From work I can pull up the regular KDE sessions just fine; but when I 
try to launch a single application it either fails to do anything, or I 
get the window open but no contents (basically a white window with 
whatever the application is as it's title). I admit that at home I'm 
using a 1.4 client and after recently rebuilding my work laptop it's 
ended up with a 1.5.0 client. So, can rootless mode work over the 
internet yet?

Is it possible to create a command line that will kick off an 
application? So for example I could have my Thunderbird icon point to 
say: nxclient <session stuff> <application to run> and just double click 
it to do my biding? :)

Hopefully I'm not appearing to dumb :) Keep up the good work guys, this 
thing is kicking ass!


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