Packaging and License feedback

Matthieu Gallien gallien.matthieu at
Wed Sep 5 16:59:31 BST 2018

Sorry for the delay,

On mardi 21 août 2018 12:33:30 CEST Aurélien COUDERC wrote:
> Hello Matthieu,
> thank you very much for your so positive and comforting answer, it’s much
> appreciated. :)
> I would be glad to help to the various bits below but Google captcha for
> registering in is pretty much a no go for me.
> So unless there’s another way to obtain a KDE account I’ll have to pass… :(

This is a bit of a pity as my review fixing the tests against Qt5.11 is till 
not approved. In the long run, this makes it much easier to communicate 
between upstrean and downstream if we can use the tool where development is 
I will try to fix the other issues during the feature freeze for the next 
stable version.
You could probably ask how others are doing via the distribution mailing list. 
I have no way to help you here.

> Btw where could I find the GPG key to check the signature of the Elisa
> binaries from ?

You can find it here for example:

> Thanks & cheers,
> --
> Aurélien

Best regards


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