[digiKam-users] Grouping searches

Milind Joshi mmjoshi at iitbombay.org
Thu Jan 26 08:41:53 GMT 2023

I guess I didn't state my problem properly. Here's the scenario:

01. I have 3 different albums for RAW images, jpg images and tif images.

02. The tif are generated after editing the photos. Hence the RAW images 
are more in number.

03. The tif files are converted to jpg and hence the albums for jpg and 
tif have identical number of images, the only difference being the format.

04. The RAW and tif images have identical tags.

05. The jpg files do not have any tags.

06. In addition to the tags, the tiff files have ratings. The same 
ratings are also present in the jpg files.

I have many searches which operate on these albums. A typical search 
would be to look for all files with a particular star rating or all 
files with a particular star rating but in landscape mode. Thus the same 
searches will be carried out on the tif and the jpg albums. They have 
identical names with jpg or tif added in the end of the search name. 
Since the searches are organized alphabetically, at times the names get 
confusing unless I look carefully at the end of the search name. Hence 
was wondering if all the searches which operate on the tif album or jpg 
album can be collected together so as to make it easy to locate the 
appropriate search.

I can always put the differentiator jpg or tif suffix in front of the 
search name. But that would imply renaming a whole lot of searches! Was 
looking for a shorter and smarter way to achieve the result.


On 23.01.2023 12:36:55 pm, Maik Qualmann wrote:
> In Menu-> View-> Separate Items you can choose by format. Then the view is
> separated/grouped according to the respective file formats.
> However, you can already limit your search to certain file formats. In the
> Advanced Search under "Picture Properties".
> There is currently no B&W search. When importing, the color analysis would
> take too much time, it would have to be a job that would be carried out later.
> Maik
> Am Montag, 23. Januar 2023, 06:51:20 CET schrieb Milind Joshi:
>> I am using the search feature quite a lot. I have multiple searches for
>> different image formats like RAW, jpg, png, tif etc. They are
>> essentially the same searches but for different formats and hence have
>> the same name with the format added in the end. Sometimes it gets
>> confusing. Is it possible to group these searches in a hierarchy, e.g.
>> all searches for the jpg files are grouped together under the head, jpg?
>> Same for other formats. Would significantly reduce the clutter!
>> Haven't found this option.
>> Additionally, is it possible to automatically search for B&W images?
>> Currently, I am manually adding B&W to the file name. An automation here
>> would help a lot.
>> mj

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