[digiKam-users] Grouping searches

Maik Qualmann metzpinguin at gmail.com
Mon Jan 23 07:06:55 GMT 2023

In Menu-> View-> Separate Items you can choose by format. Then the view is 
separated/grouped according to the respective file formats.
However, you can already limit your search to certain file formats. In the 
Advanced Search under "Picture Properties".

There is currently no B&W search. When importing, the color analysis would 
take too much time, it would have to be a job that would be carried out later.


Am Montag, 23. Januar 2023, 06:51:20 CET schrieb Milind Joshi:
> I am using the search feature quite a lot. I have multiple searches for
> different image formats like RAW, jpg, png, tif etc. They are
> essentially the same searches but for different formats and hence have
> the same name with the format added in the end. Sometimes it gets
> confusing. Is it possible to group these searches in a hierarchy, e.g.
> all searches for the jpg files are grouped together under the head, jpg?
> Same for other formats. Would significantly reduce the clutter!
> Haven't found this option.
> Additionally, is it possible to automatically search for B&W images?
> Currently, I am manually adding B&W to the file name. An automation here
> would help a lot.
> mj

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