[digiKam-users] Play Video with VLC

Henrik Hemrin hehemrin at hemrin.com
Mon Jun 27 15:13:21 BST 2022


Help me to understand:

I am not very experienced, I have been tryingg out Linux for a few years and plan to use it as daily driver (to replace macOS). My primary GNU/Linux is Linux Mint. Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu (although there also is a version LMDE based on Debian). 

I use the digiKam AppImage. DigiKam exist also in the Mint repository (I mean also as ”native”, not only snap or flat), but relatively old version and I have therefore I have decided to use AppImage. In my experience, digiKam AppImage works well on Ubuntu-based Mint. 

VLC, I have installed from Mint repository (”native”, not flat or snap). So on Ubuntubased Mint, I can get VLC without Snap or Flat (I have not checked how up to date the version is). 

I have not tried to real question below, if VLC can start from within digiKam or not. Nor have I tried Pop!_OS. 

So my concern is why it is difficult to understand for me that I should not use digiKam with any Ubuntubased distro? To me, Mint is generally such a good distro for me, so pity if it is not good for the digiKam application. Will it be better if I go for Debian/Debian based distro? 

(This reply is somewhat out of topic of the question from Paul)

Best regards

> 27 juni 2022 kl. 06:31 skrev Maik Qualmann <metzpinguin at gmail.com>:
> The problems start that Pop!_OS is based on Ubuntu. Ubuntu does not provide 
> native packages for digiKam. digiKam's snap packages are useless, the snap 
> package format is a sandboxed container. With digiKam in a snap package you 
> hardly have the possibility to access files outside of your home area. Since 
> VLC is also a snap package, it becomes even more difficult to start it. I can't 
> even recommend our AppImage since VLC is only available as a snap package. 
> Look for a modern KF5 plasma based Linux distribution in which digiKam is 
> natively available.
> Maik
> Am Montag, 27. Juni 2022, 02:47:01 CEST schrieb Paul Polillo:
>> I'm trying to figure out to make videos play in VLC using F4 or "Open
>> With..." or some other method (I think I saw something about Alt +
>> Double Click).
>> I running Pop!_OS. I installed digiKam and VLC via snap. I have tried
>> everything that my limited experience knows how to do, but the only way
>> I can get the videos to open in VLC is by right-clicking, "Open With..."
>> and then selecting Url Handler Script which then opens a window and from
>> there I have to click on VLC and then the video opens. Too many steps.
>> Can anyone point me to some instructions on making this work?
>> I apologize for any ignorance on my end. I recently moved to Linux from
>> a macOS environment. Trying to give up on big tech. So far digiKam has
>> been a great alternative to Lightroom.

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