[digiKam-users] why do I rejoin Digikam MailMan list?

Chris Green cl at isbd.net
Fri Jan 21 09:54:35 GMT 2022

Ty Mayn <tyrus.mayn at gmail.com> wrote:
> [-- text/plain, encoding 7bit, charset: UTF-8, 28 lines --]
>   To add to an existing thread in the MailMan paradigm I am pasting the
> subject as displayed in the archive
> https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/digikam-users/2022-January/subject.html#start
>       That is a workaround but ,in other matters, MailMan is decades old
> when it displays subscriber email addresses in a full context with only a
> substituted "at" . Most crawlers will easily search for a quoted name
> followed by text and dots inclosed in lessthan greaterthan punctuations
> "Any TextName" <yourhandle at gmail.com> .

Are E-Mail addresses a serious target nowadays?  I've had a real (as
in it gets delivered to me) E-Mail address in my Usenet headers for
decades.  I get maybe one or two messages a week to that address.

I'm not sure which of two E-Mail addresses gets to Mailman as I read
this list via the Gmane gating to Usenet.  The E-Mail address I use
for the list only gets trivial amounts of spam/junk too.

Chris Green

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