[digiKam-users] digikam 7.3.0 problem converting database

Robert Zeller privat robert.zeller at robert-zeller.org
Tue Jul 13 20:28:34 BST 2021

Thanks, Maik !

That worked, database was converted; and digikam 7.3.0 is running.

Best regards,


Right, MariaDB has updated the structure internally and needs an update. You
start digiKam so that the internal server runs. Enter the following commando
on another terminal:

mariadb-upgrade --socket=/home/robert/.local/share/digikam/db_misc/

I think we will have to install it as maintenance in the future when using the
internal server.


Am Dienstag, 13. Juli 2021, 10:25:16 CEST schrieb Robert Zeller privat:
>/Maik, />//>/to me it looks like there is a discrepancy in the mariadb installation />/of openSUSE Leap 15.3 : />//>/mariadb is version 10.5.8-1.5 while libmysqld19 is version />/10.2.37-3.37.1 ; obviously the openSUSE repository provides an />/inconsistent library. Unfortunately they don't give you a choice. />//>/Do you think completely rebuilding the database instead of converting />/could be successful; or should I better use digikam 7.2 until the suse />/fixes the mariadb inconsistency ? />//>//>/here is the digikam - debug output: />//>/robert at k2-SSDd 
./digiKam-7.3.0-x86-64.appimage />//usr/bin/AppImageLauncher: /usr/lib64/libcurl.so.4: no version />/information available (required by />//usr/bin/../lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/appimagelauncher/libappimageupdate.so) />/-- digiKam Linux AppImage Bundle />/-- Use 'help' as CLI argument to know all available options for digiKam />/application. />/-- Notes: to integrate this bundle to your desktop, use AppImageLauncher. />/-- to enable all debug messages on the console, use 'export />/QT_LOGGING_RULES="digikam*=true"'. />/libudev.so.0 />/libxcb-dri3.so.0 />/-- Preloading shared libs: :/usr/lib64/libxcb-dri3.so.0 />/Digikam::DXmlGuiWindow::setupIconTheme: Breeze icons resource file found />/Digikam::DXmlGuiWindow::setupIconTheme: Breeze-dark icons resource file />/found />/unknown: Qt translations path: />/"/tmp/.mount_digiKarv6HTm/usr/share/digikam/translations" />/unknown: Loaded locale: "en_US" from catalog: "qt" />/unknown: Loaded locale: "en_US" from catalog: "qtbase" />/unknown: Loaded locale: "en_US" from catalog: "qt_help" />/Digikam::ApplicationSettings::setApplicationStyle: Switch to widget />/style: "" />/Digikam::ApplicationSettings::setApplicationFont: Switch to application />/font: QFont(Noto Sans,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0) />/Digikam::AlbumWatch::AlbumWatch: AlbumWatch is disabled />/Digikam::AlbumManager::setDatabase: Database Parameters: />/Type: "QMYSQL" />/DB Core Name: "digikam" />/DB Thumbs Name: "digikam" />/DB Face Name: "digikam" />/DB Similarity Name: "digikam" />/Connect Options: />/"UNIX_SOCKET=/home/robert/.local/share/digikam/db_misc/mysql.socket" />/Host Name: "" />/Host port: -1 />/Internal Server: true />/Internal Server Path: "/media/MULTIMEDIA/foto" />/Internal Server Admin Cmd: "mysqladmin" />/Internal Server Serv Cmd: "mysqld" />/Internal Server Init Cmd: "mysql_install_db" />/Username: "root" />/Password: "" />//>/Digikam::DatabaseServer::DatabaseServer: Database Parameters: />/Type: "QMYSQL" />/DB Core Name: "digikam" />/DB Thumbs Name: "digikam" />/DB Face Name: "digikam" />/DB Similarity Name: "digikam" />/Connect Options: />/"UNIX_SOCKET=/home/robert/.local/share/digikam/db_misc/mysql.socket" />/Host Name: "" />/Host port: -1 />/Internal Server: true />/Internal Server Path: "/media/MULTIMEDIA/foto" />/Internal Server Admin Cmd: "mysqladmin" />/Internal Server Serv Cmd: "mysqld" />/Internal Server Init Cmd: "mysql_install_db" />/Username: "root" />/Password: "" />//>/Digikam::DatabaseServer::DatabaseServer: Internal Server data path: />/"/media/MULTIMEDIA/foto/.mysql.digikam/db_data" />/Digikam::DatabaseServer::initMysqlConfig: The mysql configuration was />/already up-to-date: "/home/robert/.local/share/digikam/mysql.conf" />/Digikam::adjustedEnvironmentForAppImage: Adjusting environment variables />/for AppImage bundle />/Digikam::DatabaseServer::startMysqlServer: Database server: "mysqld" />/("--defaults-file=/home/robert/.local/share/digikam/mysql.conf", />/"--datadir=/media/MULTIMEDIA/foto/.mysql.digikam/db_data", />/"--socket=/home/robert/.local/share/digikam/db_misc/mysql.socket") />/Digikam::DatabaseServerStarter::startServerManagerProcess: Internal />/database server started />/Digikam::DatabaseServer::run: Running 0 seconds... />/unknown: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 128 (Unknown), sequence: 415, />/resource id: 0, major code: 130 (Unknown), minor code: 2 />/Digikam::DbEngineConfigSettingsLoader::readConfig: Loading SQL code from />/config file />/"/tmp/.mount_digiKarv6HTm/usr/share/digikam/database/dbconfig.xml" />/Digikam::DbEngineConfigSettingsLoader::readConfig: Checking XML version />/ID => expected: 3 found: 3 />/Digikam::CoreDbSchemaUpdater::update: Core database: running schema update />/Digikam::CoreDbSchemaUpdater::startUpdates: Core database: have a />/structure version 12 />/Digikam::CoreDbSchemaUpdater::makeUpdates: Core database: makeUpdates />/12 to 13 />/Digikam::BdEngineBackendPrivate::debugOutputFailedQuery: Failure />/executing query: />/"" />/Error messages: "QMYSQL: Die Abfrage konnte nicht ausgeführt werden" />/"Column count of mysql.proc is wrong. Expected 21, found 20. Created />/with MariaDB 100215, now running 100508. Please use mariadb-upgrade to />/fix this error" "1558" 2 />/Bound values: () />/Digikam::BdEngineBackend::execDBAction: Error while executing DBAction [ />/"UpdateSchemaFromV12ToV13" ] Statement [ "\n DROP />/PROCEDURE IF EXISTS create_index_if_not_exists;\n " ] />/Digikam::CoreDbSchemaUpdater::performUpdateToVersion: Core database: />/schema update to V 13 failed! />/Digikam::CoreDbAccess::checkReadyForUse: Core database: cannot process />/schema initialization />/Digikam::KMemoryInfo::update: KMemoryInfo: Platform identified : "LINUX" />/Digikam::KMemoryInfo::bytes: KMemoryInfo: TotalRam: 16777506816 />/Digikam::LoadingCache::setCacheSize: Allowing a cache size of 400 MB />/Digikam::adjustedEnvironmentForAppImage: Adjusting environment variables />/for AppImage bundle />/Digikam::DatabaseServer::run: Shutting down database server />/Digikam::DatabaseServerStarter::stopServerManagerProcess: Internal />/database server stopped />//>/Am 12.07.21 um 18:36 schrieb Maik Qualmann: />/> export QT_LOGGING_RULES="digikam*=true" /

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