Advanced search by lens focal length

meku digikam at
Thu Nov 2 00:42:20 GMT 2017

I am trying to use the advanced search to find photos taken by specific
lenses. I am aware that searching by lens is a feature request so the next best thing is to
search by specific focal lengths.

The issue here is the advanced search will not allow you to search for a
single focal length and it enforces a range value search.

For example if I enter a single value, eg. 23, it will search for all
images >= 23mm.  It will not allow searching for exactly 23mm as the
minimum range is 1mm, so I can only search for images between 23 to 24mm.

The problem with this is it will pick up all images that were taken with
zoom lenses, eg. 23.1mm, 23.2mm, etc.  Am I missing something or is is
there a way to search this?
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