help needed: netmount & duplicates

Sebastian Niehaus sebastian.niehaus at
Fri Oct 7 17:05:50 BST 2016

Try duplicity AS backup Programme. I really like it

Am 29.09.2016 8:17 nachm. schrieb "Uwe Haider" <uwe.haider at>:

> Hi,
> my collection is grown to big for my hard disk (~2.250.000 pictures). So
> I've buyed an Qnap T431 NAS and try to move it. Two issues make me
> unsure about the right way:
> - What shall I use to connect digikam with the NAS? Samba or nfs? What's
> stable and fast? And what must be in the removable media settings of DK
> 5.2?
> - After several years with different backup strategys I got some parts
> of the folder tree duplicated. Perhaps are the duplicate folder trees
> with different tags/faces/coordinates etc... What is the sure & easy way
> to clean it up without breaking my SQL-Base? Surely within digikam?
> Shall I write all metadata in the files, copy in bash the "wrong" folder
> over the right "folder" skipping existing files?
> Do you have experience with such issues? Your advice is very welcome
> here...
> Sorry Gilles, I must move all collections first and clean up the
> folders. Then I will be back to the bug.
> --
> Uwe Haider
> uwe.haider at
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