5.3 philip5 packages vs. 5.4 app image (Re: Digikam 4.14.0 -> 5.3.0 - big update, some questions)

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 21:37:02 GMT 2016

2016-11-21 22:21 GMT+01:00 Jens Benecke <jens-digikam at spamfreemail.de>:

> Hi,
> first, thank you for the packaging at all which make life easier for so
> many of us!
> Now, to do my part (help testing and report bugs :-) ): This is the 5.3
> ubuntu ppa Digikam:
> And this is the 5.4 appimage:
> Differences I can see:
> - smaller default / UI fonts (more similar to my Ubuntu settings),
> - every toolbar item has an icon (with consistent styles),
> - sidebar tab dimensions are more consistent and no missing icons
> - the appimage does not integrate into the global menu.
> Does the appImage use different KDE resources / defaults / config file
> locations than the PPA packages?

We have only icons set which is bundled as well as a single file to speed
up application. This include only Brezze.

There is nothing about fonts.

That all.

> Regarding video, Gilles has already replied, it seems to be an appImage
> issue (or rather gstreamer issue).
It's an issue with GStreamer. I'm lost to bundle it. It's so far
complicated. Even if all components are compiled, linked and installed, the
copy in bundle do not work. Qt5::Multimedia is not able to found GStreamer
codecs (which are separated .so files). It's a puzzle that i hate a lots...

Gilles Caulier
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