export to flikr

Frédéric Chaume frederic.chaume at gmail.com
Sun Nov 6 09:39:00 GMT 2016

This is effectively magic :-)

and it is working , you are a genius, thanks a lot

then I've been able to upload an album to Flickr, only problem is the 
orientation of the pictures, there are shown in the correct way on 
digikam, but rotation is not transfered into flickr.

I think there was a menu to physically rotate pictures, but didn't find it



Le 06/11/2016 à 10:11, Gilles Caulier a écrit :
> Aha, this is the magical point where AppImage can help with digiKam 
> deployment.
> "You have nothing to install and uninstall"
> - AppImage is a bundle. All that DK needs is embedded in a container 
> (Fuse FS based). there is nothing to install.
> - You can let's 5.2.0 from system wide installed. No conflict.
> - Linux Mint must be supported. DK AppImage is compiled under older 
> CentOS 6 for binary compatibility with glibc.
> - Pre-requires : one computer with at least 4Gb of RAM (32 or 64 
> bits). A fast CPU is welcome of course.
> - AppImage do not install files on your system. You download and run 
> it. All the stuff is done in memory.
> I write here some words to do if a problem appear after downloading 
> the bundle (see AT RUN-TIME ON TARGET COMPUTER section) :
> https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=digikam-software-compilation.git&a=blob&f=project%2Fappimage%2FREADME&o=plain
> All feedback are welcome. Thanks in advance
> Gilles Caulier
> 2016-11-06 9:34 GMT+01:00 Frédéric Chaume <frederic.chaume at gmail.com 
> <mailto:frederic.chaume at gmail.com>>:
>     thanks Gilles
>     Few questions:
>     - do I need to uninstall 5.2.0 before
>     - I'm on Linux Mint 18, is it compliant and supported ?
>     - is there any prerequisite ? (CPU, memory, dependencies,..)
>     - what is the process to install this kind of bundle ?
>     thanks
>     Le 05/11/2016 à 23:39, Gilles Caulier a écrit :
>>     Under Windows and MAc, there is nothing to do. All is included in
>>     Bundle installer/package.
>>     For Linux, you need to install kipi-plugins.
>>     But there are more simpler. We bundle also for Linux with
>>     AppImage now, with next 5.3.0. Take a look here :
>>     https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzeiVr-byqt5Y0tIRWVWelRJenM
>>     <https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzeiVr-byqt5Y0tIRWVWelRJenM>
>>     You have 2 versions : for Linux 32 bits or Linux 64 bits. Both
>>     have been compiled today with current implementation.
>>     Best
>>     Gilles Caulier
>>     2016-11-05 19:01 GMT+01:00 Dr. Martin Senftleben
>>     <drmartinus at drmartinus.de <mailto:drmartinus at drmartinus.de>>:
>>         Hi,
>>         Am 05.11.2016 um 18:45 schrieb Frédéric Chaume:
>>         > Hi All
>>         >
>>         > I'm using digikam 5.2, and I wanted to export to Flikr,
>>         > when I select export from the album it shows ; "no external
>>         module for
>>         > export available"
>>         >
>>         > in the configuration/plugin menu , the message is "no kipi
>>         plug-in
>>         > installed"
>>         If you run Linux, just check the package manager for
>>         "kipi-plugins" and
>>         install them. If you run Windows, I don't know.
>>         Regards
>>         Martin

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