[Digikam-users] New Tool: Tags Manager

Julien T julien.t43 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 30 00:02:23 BST 2013

Hello Veaceslav,

Sorry for the late answer. On travel and not much time to check the list
but as I'm really interested, here my comments.

2013/6/25 Veaceslav Munteanu <veaceslav.munteanu90 at gmail.com>

> Here is my proposal:
> http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/proposal/review/google/gsoc2013/slavuttici/35001
read the paper and lot of positive stuff (import/export, more comprehensive
view) but it lacks a few big things (at least for me)
- a quick edit (be it for tags or other metadata)
- a fully keyboard manageable interface
- a text field with the tags used which makes copy/paste easy between images

something I described here with firefox add/edit bookmark as mock-up.
sadly, got not much feedback/interest for now.

About tags, also previously mentioned on the list/thread and not seen on
the paper (but not all related to tag manager)
- hidden/internal only tags (which are never exported outside of digikam)
- recent tag context menu: bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=309598 and
number of entry should be configureable (user decide if he wants last 5 or
last 50...)
- "Automatic application of tags": on this one, some "a la gmail"
filer/rules would be nice. on first scan or user demand or on specific
action, if image matches something (size, type, tag, ...), tag it
- search/filter on tags (but general one): should accept boolean operators
and/or regexp

Thanks a lot for your work.

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