[Digikam-users] BUG? move to album / overwrite destination problem

John Stumbles john at stumbles.org.uk
Tue May 15 00:25:34 BST 2012

I have an album containing pictures, and a sub-directory containing a 
sub-set of those pictures, plus some modified versions. I've rated the 
images in the sub-directory and now I want to put all pictures from the 
sub-directory into the main album. I know this will involve clashes with 
pictures that already exist in the main album but I just want to 
overwrite those.

So I select all pictures in the subdirectory, right-click to 'move to 
album' and select the main album directory. DK throws up a warning that 
a 'File Already Exists' and I press the 'Overwrite' button but DK just 
pops up a warning window about the same file again ... and again and 
again. It seems to be broken :-(

Incidentally the duplicate files in the main album and the sub-directory 
are hard links, not copies.

I guess I can overwrite the files using other tools, gui or cli, but I 
want to do it with DK so it remembers the ratings I've applied to files 
in the subdir: I suspect that if I move them outside of DK it will just 
seem them as having vanished and forget the ratings I'd applied to them. 
(As a workaround maybe I can use some cli hacking to delete the 
duplicate copies in the main dir and then move sub-dir files.)

John Stumbles                                    http://stumbles.org.uk

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