[Digikam-users] Edit metadata and geotagging plugins

Caulier Gilles caulier.gilles at kdemail.net
Thu Nov 2 13:30:39 GMT 2006

Le Mercredi 01 Novembre 2006 12:53 PM, Trebol-a a écrit :
> Hi,
> I am testing the last version of the news kipi-plugins "Geotagging" and
> "Edit Metadata" and  I have somes questions:
> - "Geotagging" plugin work fine. Perhaps I think will be a good idea add an
> menu like "Favorite sites" or "Place of startup" or a "remember last
> position" ¿somebody live in Latitude:0 and Longitude:0 ? :DD
> Nevertheless I dont know how work plugins "Edit metadata". If I select
> somes photos and edit any field of IPTC, work fine. But ..
> - If I edit the info IPTC in a field "Caption IPTC" (corresponding at
> comments field) the new data dont appear in a inputbox of "Comments" but
> yes in the list IPTC info. Where is this info? in basedata? I have probe to
> restart Digikam without changes.

It's stored in a section of JPEG file dedicaced to store IPTC.

Something is missing in digikam kipi interface to rescan automaticly files 
where metadata have change to sync database.

> It happens the same with "Starts of clasification" (Field IPTC Urgency) and
> others. In other words, the info that I set ór add by "Edit metadata" is
> not accesible/readable from Digikam.

Only JPEG file can be set actually. it's a limitation of Exiv2 libarary witch 
rules metadata. PNG and TIFF/RAW files will be acceded in writing mode later.

> -If selected somes photos, and the first photo have a data in (by
> example) "Copyright", but not the others, I cannot set the same value for
> all photos, because (I think) the program dont detect any changes. I must
> enter a new value, and reenter at initial value from set all photos with
> the correct "Copyright"

The plugin is not yet written to do that.

> - A question: Is posible some feature to know if the information is save on
> the basedata ór embed. I have thinking in some icon in sidebar or similar.

The plugin is not completed.I 'm working on. Please let's me some time... 


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