[Digikam-users] GUI usability request

Renchi Raju renchi.raju at gmail.com
Sun Sep 18 18:59:16 BST 2005

Tamas Hauer wrote:

> I do not mind any lost space but I also liked the previous interface
> better.  Say I want to move or copy some pictures to a new album where I
> am selecting said set based on some tags.  In the present gui, I either
> see the tags bar or the albums bar and there does not seem to be a way
> for example to create a new album from a set of pictures of a given tag
> (or result set of a query).  

In 0.7.x also, it was not possible to drag a bunch of photos from a tag 
view into a new album. there were bigger usability problems in that 
interface, as the assigning of tags (which is a more common task) 
required you to scroll a lot in the albums-tag view on the left. as to 
your concern about copying photos from different views into a new album, 
this can be done more efficiently by providing Cut/Copy/Paste. 
Hopefully, it will be implemented for 0.8.1

 > For example to use the handy flickr export,
 > I pretty much need to collect my pictures to upload in a given
 > directory.  I guess I can open an extra konqueror window though to do
 > that...

A faster way of achieving this is: create a temporary tag, assign this 
tag to the photos and then switch over to the tagview and open the tag. 
no copying of photos involved.


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