Video is mostly broken for me

Maik Qualmann metzpinguin at
Sun Jul 2 21:04:18 BST 2023

The crashes will be fixed in digiKam-8.1.0. I can play all video formats here 
without any problems. Video encoding is still broken (Video Slideshow Plugin) 
The cause is clear in principle. Yes, QtAV in digiKam needs to be replaced. 
Qt6 isn't really an option yet, Marble isn't ported yet. We've discovered 
another QtAV Q advancement (I'll provide the link later), but haven't tested 
it yet.


Am Sonntag, 2. Juli 2023, 21:45:11 CEST schrieb Steven Robbins:
> Hello,
> Last year I tried to get video playing with ffmpeg 5 working, but eventually
> arrived at an impasse due to (I believe) a fundamental mis-design of qtav.
> Then events in real life took over and I dropped out of digikam development.
> Now that digikam 8.0 is out and Debian is no longer frozen, I build DK 8
> for Debian the other day, with video re-enabled.  Most of my videos do not
> play and many of them will crash digikam outright.  I'm wondering about
> others' experience.  Am I an outlier?  If not, is there a path forward to
> fixing video playback?
> Last November, Maik and Gilles suggested to look at Qt Multimedia, but I
> think there was a desire to only use with Qt6 because of some deficiency in
> the Qt5 implementation.
> Is this an accurate summary?  Is the solution therefore to wait for Qt6
> Multimedia?  If there's something I can do to help out, let me know.
> Thanks,
> -Steve

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