Video is mostly broken for me

Steven Robbins steve at
Sun Jul 2 20:45:11 BST 2023


Last year I tried to get video playing with ffmpeg 5 working, but eventually 
arrived at an impasse due to (I believe) a fundamental mis-design of qtav.

Then events in real life took over and I dropped out of digikam development.  
Now that digikam 8.0 is out and Debian is no longer frozen, I build DK 8 for 
Debian the other day, with video re-enabled.  Most of my videos do not play 
and many of them will crash digikam outright.  I'm wondering about others' 
experience.  Am I an outlier?  If not, is there a path forward to fixing video 

Last November, Maik and Gilles suggested to look at Qt Multimedia, but I think 
there was a desire to only use with Qt6 because of some deficiency in the Qt5 

Is this an accurate summary?  Is the solution therefore to wait for Qt6 
Multimedia?  If there's something I can do to help out, let me know.

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