[Digikam-devel] noisereduction-documentation and thoughts.

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at kdemail.net
Thu Mar 30 13:16:03 BST 2006

On Thursday 30 March 2006 12:09 am, Peter Heckert wrote:
> Hello to all,
> first I want to introduce myself: I have devloped gimp's dcamnoise
> plugin, which has found it's way into digikam.
> I am very happy for this.
> I am neither a professional programmer nor a hobby programmer, probably
> you can see it from sourcecode ;-)
> ( I made embedded processor software some years ago, but today I am an
> electronics (hardware) technician)
> Nevertheless, when I had seen digikam and the dcamnoise implementation I
> have decided to help so far I can and so far my skills and my time permits.
> Today I made some developer documentation for dcamnoise it can be found
> here:
> <http://hphsite.de/dcamnoise/dcamnoise-overview.pdf>

Interresing. i'm also an Electronician (:=)))...

> (I made the document in linux-openoffice 2.0 and then I found that the
> linux version of openoffice is broken and cannot export thin lines to
> pdf and then I completed the job in windows, therefore the formatting is
> a little bit bad, but I hope it is useful for understanding or hacking)
> I have one wish for the current implementation: The slider "Threshold"
> is in the second tab, where many novice users will not see it. Beneath
> "Radius", "Threshold" is the most important parameter and so it should
> be in first or second place. (Hope you can see this from the pdf document)
> I am not a skilled programmer and have no Qt knowledge at all and
> currently I cannot do this myself and I would beg Gilles Caulier or
> someone else to do this.

Done in svn. My 10 cts €...

Nota : all image filter algorithms implementation are pure C++. No Qt/KDE API 
are used dirrectly into. also, unlike gimp do, all image filters running in a 
separate thread (outside the GUI).

> I have decided to use digikam myself and to help in plugin-development
> so far I can.
> Currently I am studying the source code and I try to learn this stuff.

If you need some helps let's me hear (:=)))...

> I intend to improve dcamnoise and make it fit for 16 Bit images and for
> raw images with linear gamma. "Improve" means: streamlining and speed
> up, possibly better edge detection, bug shooting. I do not intend to
> introduce concept  alterations or new features.
> However, I do not intend to overtake the project, I could not, because I
> dont have the skills and the time to do so. I would want to make useful
> contributions and testing and proposals so far I can.
> greetings to you all,

Thanks to you for your help.


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