[Digikam-devel] Preparing for digikam 0.8

Tom Albers tomalbers at kde.nl
Sat Sep 10 17:16:48 BST 2005

Op zaterdag 10 september 2005 11:34, schreef Caulier Gilles:
> Le Vendredi 9 Septembre 2005 23:45, Joern Ahrens a écrit :
> > Hey guys,
> >
> > in bko are no more reported crashs and the new features for 0.8 are
> > implemented since weeks now. So I will prepare the schedule plan for the
> > release.
> I'm agree.
> > 1. beta1 -> is done
> >
> > 2. rc1 -> next step
> I prefert beta 2. I'm currently working on handbook...

There has not changed a lot and people seem a bit scary to use beta's, so I 
would prefer to do a somewhat longer rc1 and thereby skipping beta2.

> > 3. rc2 -> if needed
> and RC before final to froze doc and GUI i18n. Lets 2 weeks (minimum) for
> translators.

The rc would imply a total freeze, so docbook should be finished.

> I need one week to do this task (during beta2 stage)

So we can plan the rc around the 20th?

http://www.kde.nl | http://www.digikam.org |irc: toma | toma at jabber.kovoks.nl
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