classifying and the distinction between different types of commits

Alexander van Loon a.vanloon at
Fri Dec 31 12:10:49 CET 2010

Based on your advice I have added classification guidelines to the page on the KDE Community Wiki:

On Wednesday 29 December 2010 23:48:30 Danny Allen wrote:
> Hi Alexander,
> * If a commit says that it fixes something but doesn't have a bug report attached, that is ok (commit needs to be 
important though, remember the 5% rule!)
> * Yes, people have been misusing this category - it is only meant for commits that make things either faster, or use less 
memory, or in rare cases, the interface more streamlined ("now this can be done in 2 clicks instead of 10")
> * "Other" is for commits that don't really fit elsewhere: for example, I used to select commits that were really interesting 
or funny even if they otherwise wouldn't be important (like someone writing in the message something really important 
they learned, etc.)
> Thanks,
> Danny
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Alexander van Loon" <a.vanloon at>
> To: digest at
> Sent: Tuesday, 28 December, 2010 10:45:15 PM
> Subject: classifying and the distinction between different types of commits
> Currently I’m busy with classifying, and I noticed again how much
> trouble I’m having with deciding which type to designate to commits. For
> example:
>      1. Do we only mark commits which refer to a bug number as a bug
>         fix, or also those without if the comment tells us that it fixes
>         a crash without referring to a bug number?
>      2. What falls in the optimize category? In practice far too much in
>         my eyes it seems, what does really belong there? Is it safe to
>         designate everything which isn’t visible to the end user as
>         optimize while designating everything which is as a feature?
>      3. What is ‘other’ used for?
> It seems to me we also need Classification Guidelines?
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