10. ODF plugfest in London, Dec 8-9 2014

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Thu Nov 20 17:59:08 GMT 2014

Dear co-embracers of open standards,

little bit short on notice, but better than not at all:

in 2 1/2 weeks there will be another ODF plugfest, in London.

Organised by OpenDoc Society, hosted by UK Cabinet Office (remember this 
year's decision of the UK government to use the least insane open standard in 
document formats, i.e. ODF, for all their newly created documents that are to 
be further edited).

While currently there is not much activity around ODF here in Calligra, still 
the one or the other might get inspired by meeting up with other implementors 
of ODF.

It would be really good to have someone there representing Calligra. Leinir, 
don't have to do year-end shopping to do in the capital anyway? ;)

Jarosław, Adam, perhaps an event to also talk about a better ODB?

Myself I am going to be there, but with WebODF hat on (yes, that webodf.org 
one), so cannot really promise to care for Calligra's interests.

Find detailed info at


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