Fwd: Calligra/First Contact

Inge Wallin inge at lysator.liu.se
Fri Feb 7 16:25:01 GMT 2014

Hi Pelin,

I am sorry I didn't reply earlier.  I had a system crash at the beginning of 
the week and then your mail got drowned in the huge backlog of mail that 

On Monday, February 03, 2014 16:57:59 Pelin Öztürk wrote:
> Hello Calligra Development Team,
> I'm writing this email referring to the page Calligra/First
> Contact<http://community.kde.org/Calligra/First_Contact>
> .
> Generic questions:
> 1. Calligra Author (Calligra Author<http://userbase.kde.org/Calligra_Author>
> ).
> 2. I'm familiar with C++, but not Qt Framework and KDE Development
> Frameworks.
> 3. I have specific skill about database knowledge.
> 4. I have got weekends and 4 hours in weekdays for the project.
> Additional information:
> 1. I am a senior student in İzmir Institute of Technology, Turkey.
> 2. I have got permanent internet connection.
> 3. I speak/read/type "internet" english.
> I have a idea for authors who want to create interactive books. I
> researched and chose an existing editor to integrate my project thought,
> which is Calligra Author.

This sounds very interesting.  I know a little about interactive books but I 
am no expert.  My main question is, which file format do they use?  Epub? if it 
is, then your work will be much simpler because we already have support for 
exporting to Epub in Calligra Author and Calligra Words.

However, it is Epub 2, not Epub3 and I am pretty sure that interactive 
features would only be possible in Epub version 3.  There are some extensions 
for javascript in version 3 that I guess would be useful.

> I'm planning to develop three component on Calligra Author. My idea is
> implementing interactive function(s)/button(s) to the existing author
> program. (Like Calligra Author's *Music Editor* under *Add Shape.)* These
> interactive components that I designed are Puzzle, Card Match and Right
> Pairs.

This sounds like a good approach.  Naturally we will help you as much as we 
can with the Calligra infrastructure. 

> I prepare very basic drafts in my mind as screen mockups, and you can find
> them in Dropbox<https://www.dropbox.com/s/l2juwd5zsqukh3r/ScreenMockups.zip>

I had a look at these sketches, and I am not sure that I understand all of it, 
to be honest. But it does look like you thought it through, which is a good 

When you start, you should work in a git branch.  At this point you probably 
don't know what that is, but you will have an easier time if you join IRC and 
you will get some help.  Basic help is best asked for in the #kde-devel 
channel. More specific help about Calligra is best asked for in the #calligra 

Did you manage to build calligra yourself yet?  Otherwise, i recommend going 
through http://community.kde.org/Calligra/Building and follow the instructions 

In fact, http://community.kde.org/Calligra is a good resource to find a lot of 
information, but it is sadly not complete or always well organized.

I am looking forward to working with you!


> Kind regards,
> Pelin Öztürk
> *Izmir Institute of Technology | Computer Engineering, seniorJönköping
> University | JTH, exchange*
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