Braindump - officially declaring it as unmaintained?

Cyrille Berger cberger at
Fri Mar 22 13:46:18 GMT 2013


On 2013-03-21 22:51, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> Hi Cyrille,
> at the Calligra Sprint two weeks ago Braindump was found to be 
> actually
> unmaintained, at least the last commit to braindump from you seems to 
> be from
> june last year, while there are still a few bugs open (even from 
> yourself :)
> )*
> Would you agree to this finding?
No I don't, I object to them :)

> Or is it just feature complete for you,
It is definitely basic features complete. There are a couple of 
possible improvements, there are a couple of features that are 
desirable, but it has everything it needs to function properly. But it 
is true that most of the improvement to braindump are being done by you 
guys right now... in shapes plugins :) And there is still an outstanding 
feature, that I had like to tackle one of these days, having an always 
visible text tool (a bit like in Krita, but without dragging around, and 
supporting only the regular text box). But that is more a usability 
improvement than a really big required feature.

> and the few bugs are not in your way?

Yeah, I would classify the bugs, as:

need more info:

can't reproduce:

don't know how to fix, except by throwing XMLGui to the trashbin:

people are using the wrong application (should use calligra flow):

most likely not a braindump bug:

and finaly, a bit annoying, but really mostly a problem for other 
applications that use the webshape:

> Can we officially declare that we are looking for a new maintainer 
> for
> braindump, e.g. by a blog entry?

Lets say it like this, I would not mind having someone come and take 
over maintainership and develop new features, and bring braindump to the 
next level :)
I would say it is current status is low maintenance, ie, reproducible 
bugs fixing, but no new features development.

> If so, would you blog about this yourself? Or could you give some 
> cite which I
> could use in a blog post of mine? Perhaps some additional ideas (or 
> inspiring
> mockups) you have, to help people get the idea of Braindump and what 
> they
> would like to use/develop it for?

Now the question is if this blog is specifically about getting 
maintainer or about attracting contributors to underdeveloped area of 
calligra that might interest some people.

> PS: I personally would like to take over and e.g. add features I like 
> from
> DeepaMehta ( But my TODO list has lots of 
> higher
> priority stuff... ;)
Feel free :)

And to be absolutely clear, by "features complete", I mean "basic 
features to make the application useful complete". And stuff like 
mindmapping are highly desirable, not just for braindump but for flow as 
well. And that is also why I contributed the matlab/latex formula tool, 
last autumn. And synchronization with owncloud would also be highly 

Cyrille Berger Skott

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