An other beta
C. Boemann
cbo at
Sun Feb 12 09:57:58 GMT 2012
I've read everything all has said.
On Irc ingwa and sven made it clear that not releasing Words is not an option
(would be the firsy suite without a wordprocessor)
I personally can not accept releasing for real a wordprocessor that is TP
status. We already do that, and mixing it into the final release will mean we
will have to explain that , which detracts from the pr message. It's simply a
After some thoughts it's also a no-go to remove undo functionality.
What is lacking is the undo working good enough that it doesn't leave the app
in a broken state. Also Boudewijn needs to complete his xml:id work so we
don't save invalid xml.
On 19th to 22nd I'll be in Munich at Pierre's place where we will try and fix
the undo. And yes it's major surgery, with somewhat uncertain outcome, but I
hope we will be ready by friday 24th.
This is the point in time where we will know for sure. I like Thorsten's idea
to release that beta and then to do the release no matter what. Looking back
at our track record of fixing things that should be doable.
My concern is actually more any new release_blockers appearing. However undo
is the last big area we are looking into, so I think we won't find anything.
I do agree that our first release has taken a lot of time and is straining
everybody's patience. However building a completely new wordprocessor in just
a little more than one year is not dragging our feet. I actually don't think
our schedules has slipped either. We have decided to do regular and fast paced
alphas and betas. I agreed to that because it was needed to keep the developer
spirit high, but to call it slippage because that results in many betas is
unfair. We have been working very hard and it was always the agreement that we
would release when ready. Building a completely new word processor is
obviously going to take time. Along the way we found more skeletons than we
would have like in the libs we rely on, but so be it. We have done it in
record time if you ask me so let's not lose patience so close to the release.
It's important that we keep focusing on quality. Our betas are for developers,
The final release should be for users
Once 2.4 is out our next releases (both bug fix and feature releases) should
come much quicker. At that point release often is important, as everything we
do from then on are improvements.
So plan of action:
soon boudewijn fixes the xml:id
19th-22nd minisprint to fix undo
24th tagging next beta
in short succession thereafter we do the release
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