Porting code from Calligra to KWord

Ganesh Paramasivam ganesh at crystalfab.com
Wed Feb 2 08:32:08 GMT 2011

> If you have:
> r3 by Jaroslaw
> r2 by Cyrille
> r1 by Casper
> at r1 file is copyrighted by Casper
> at r2 file is copyrighted by Casper, Cyrille
> at r3 file is copyrighted by Casper, Cyrille and Jaroslaw
> If someone takes the change at r2, it does not have to put Jaroslaw's
> copyright, only mine. In reallity, it is not as easy, since most people forget
> to edit the copyright when making their change and add their copyright
> later... In which case it might be safer to add all copyrights.

I think what he meant was even if r2 change completely removed r1
changes  but was in the same functional area, both Cyrille and Casper
will have the copyright to r2

i.e git blame alone would not suffice to attribute copyright.

- Ganesh

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