Selling Krita through Apple AppStore

Cyrille Berger Skott cberger at
Fri Dec 9 18:37:35 GMT 2011

On Friday 09 December 2011, Alex Sarmiento wrote:
> Sorry, i didn't meant to be harsh and  I don't have anything against Nokia
> people, they support great open source projects. But i am just an unhappy
> user who cannot  use VLC in the iPhone ;( for no reason, that's not
> freedom.
You should direct your blame/hate at Apple for not allowing you to run any 
applications you want on your device. Instead to put it on people who have 
spend effort developing open source applications. And keep in mind, they have 
the right to choose the license they wish, and if that license is incompatible 
with idevice, well maybe that has to do with the freedom restriction that have 
been put in place by Apple, rather than the developer of that application.

Cyrille Berger Skott

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