Active & Calligra

Boudewijn Rempt boud at
Fri Apr 29 21:33:24 BST 2011

On Friday 29 April 2011 Apr, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> hi all..

Nice blog :-)

> the Calligra user interface isn't quite there yet, but that's what Plasma 
> Active is all about: helping the various efforts within the KDE community come 
> together and focus on making awesome things on devices like tablets. we know 
> we have a good long road ahead of us, and that is something that raises our 
> excitement and determination.

Well, what you see there on the video is the rebranded FreOffice. It's QWidget-based and was developed for Maemo. I think this was discussed before, but what can go into Plasma Active is Shantanu's work on a QML-based gui for Calligra. He needs a lot of help there, since it's a huge task. Especially in a world where the components for search, buttons, file pickers and so on aren't done. 

> you can easily track Calligra development on Plasma Active as we will be 
> rolling new snapshots via OBS on a regular basis and putting out a new live 
> image every 2 weeks with the latest and greatest on it.

Which OBS are you using?

> there are a number of interface issues we ran into when testing Calligra on 
> tablets, but i'm not sure how many of these issues you are already aware of or 
> how much feedback you'd like/appreciate at this point. guide us :)

Well, they are more or less irrelevant, since what you're looking at now is the old FreOffice -- and that will be replaced by Shantanu's work (see the "Branding Calligra's QML UI as Calligra Active" thread). He might be able to reuse some code, but my experience with developing similar QML-based gui's for Calligra suggests that there's little that can actually be reused.

> we live in interesting times, and we're only beginning... :)

One thing I'm wondering about is the actual stack you're proposing: does plasma active run on any linux distribution, or on MeeGo -- and if it runs on MeeGo, how are you proposing integration with MeeGo architecture components like tracker, the QML components and so on?

Boudewijn Rempt |,

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