[Bugsquad] Kopete BugDay this Sunday

A. L. Spehr zahl+kde at transbay.net
Fri Jul 18 04:02:36 CEST 2008

Just a reminder that we have a Kopete Bugday scheduled for this sunday.
I think we'll easily be able to finish up what's left. At least, if we can
get people who have wacky webcams and the like. Last time we had a bunch of
new people, but it seemed to go pretty smoothly. 

Shall we be optimistic and assume we'll finish early and be able to triage
something else? If so, what? Some of you out there seem to like doing it as
a group. ;) 

btw, my thanks to whoever is keeping the konq wishes just below 2000, that
makes me happy. :)

But the rest are hitting the red... Lots of the ones I was looking at seem 
to be "needs info", which is annoying, but oh well. Maybe that's part of it.
And I know some of you are coding instead.

So I propose going over some of the ~month old incoming stuff, and looking
for non-responses to reports that are entirely and utterly useless.
I'm going to wildly guess that's what people do to keep up? 
Any of you old-timers care to comment on your methods of post-incoming

Also, the kopete team fixed a lot of bugs after we went through them, so
try to have as current a version as you can for Sunday.


p.s. If you're curious as to the progress of my little blue hair bets, I think 
Seli has been hovering at #10.5 lately. He did a few binges which will hurt the 
aggregate stats, but I'm not sure how exactly we're going to count this for
purposes of the bet. We have to keep him off the commit digest (ie top 10) 
until aKademy for his hair to be blue blue blue. He's kinda worried at this 
point. ;)  

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