Amarok hangs during playback at 0:03s mark

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Mon Feb 17 18:09:30 UTC 2014

Hi Alexander,

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 6:31 PM, Alexander Puchmayr
<alexander.puchmayr at> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I encountered a problem with amarok 2.8 (Kde 4.10.5, gentoo linux, amd64):
> Create a playlist with songs of different formats (ogg, mp3, flac -- these I
> tested). When an mp3 song ends and the next song is either flac or ogg, then it
> hangs at the 0:03s mark at the next song, and does not play anything. I
> reproduced on three different computers (all amarok 2.8/kde 4.10.5/gentoo,
> plus/minus some version of the underlaying libs).
> In general I observed:
> Transitions from mp3->mp3 or ogg->ogg  and flac->flac work fine, mp3-> flag|ogg
> hangs, ogg-> flac hangs too.
> It seems like if the next song has a different codec, it likely hangs, except
> if the next song is mp3. I could never observe a mp3 song to hang.
> If it is in the hanging state, "Next song" / "previous song" work, and the
> song that hung before plays fine if either started by double clicking it or by
> using "next/prev". Alternatively, moving the position marker makes also the
> song play.

Sadly you don't specify which phonon backend you are using, which is
essential when talking about playback in Amarok, as Amarok doesn't
play the sound, but uses Phonon and its backends to do so.

JFYI: there is a known bug with the phonon-backend-gstreamer with
track to track progression. Actually the problem is the gstremer
0.10.x library, and there currently is work in progress to use the
gstreamer 1.x library in phonon, but this is not finished and hence
not released. This bug is only one of the reasons why the Phonon
developers recommend the phonon-backend-vlc to be the preferred one.

FWIW: you can find a very long list of bugs and duplicates describing
this problem in Google is your friend here, as
"amarok track change" would have given you that list and more than
enough explanations...

FWIW2: your KDE version is outdated, the current one is 4.12.1 and the
4.11 branch also is still one of the maintained ones, 4.10.x isn't:

Regards, Myriam
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