weird problem shuffling a playlist with 2000+ tracks

Jayesh Badwaik jayesh.badwaik90 at
Sun May 6 16:28:22 UTC 2012

On Sunday 06 May 2012 08:29:16 Alan Ezust wrote:
> I have some large playlists that I like to shuffle. They can have
> anywhere from 2000 to 6000 tracks in them.
> I've noticed since a recent upgrade from Amarok 2.4 to Amarok 2.5
> (debian testing), that it sometimes repeats the same track immediately
> after it finishes, and at this point, Amarok becomes confused about
> what the current track is. Sometimes the "now playing" is what it is
> going to play next, and other times, I can 't figure out what the
> relationship between "now playing" and the track I am currently
> hearing is.
> I don't have a reproducible test case for this yet. You can be sure I
> will post a bug report when I can figure out how to reproduce it
> reliably.
> I can give you some observations though: it seems to be really busy
> (CPU-wise) trying to determine what the next track is, and sometimes
> that process might take too long so amarok just repeats the same track
> instead of playing something new.
> So basically, amarok 2.5 seems to be almost unusable with large playlists.
> Anyone else experience this?
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I am on ArchLinux and I have some 4700 tracks and I don't have any such 
problem. However, just for checking, there is this related situation which you 
might be encountering.

When the tracklist is almost finished (some 15 seconds before the finish), 
Amarok tried to prefetch the new track, and in the process, for that certain 
amount of time, the now playing track is not the actual now playing track but 
rather the track that will be played next. If manually change tracks at this 
point, Amarok stores the current track as the next track and plays the track 
which you just now activated. If this is not the problem, then there might be 
some other debian specific build problem. 

Jayesh Badwaik
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