Filtering by rating

Alex Schuster wonko at
Mon Jun 25 21:09:43 UTC 2012

Hi there!

I am rating my songs fairly often when they play, using global
hotkeys, Win-1 to Win-5 for one to five stars. They show up in the
playlist, but I'd also like to filter for them.

First, this needs to be documented somewhere. I know, writing
documentation sucks, but I bet Amarok has some features many users do not
even know of. For example, it has dynamic playlists, and the handbook
even has a topic on them, but I still have no clue how to activate them.
No problem, I think I do not need this anyway, that was just an example.
This software deserves better documentation.

Searching the web I found some discussions on this, and it seems that
with rating:6 the playlist can be filtered for files having three stars
(as you can give half stars, the rate goes from 1 to 10).

I also read that a notation like rating:>5 should work, but it doesn't.
So, how does one filter for all songs that have at least three stars?
With rating:6 I exclude bad songs, but also better than average ones, so
this does not make much sense.

I'd also like to have some GUI function for that. Like a slider I drag to
the rating the songs must at least have to be shown.

And at least some hint wich keywords are allowed is necessary, how is one
supposed to find this out?


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