QtScript Generator removed from Amarok SVN

Ian Monroe ian.monroe at gmail.com
Sun Mar 22 17:14:05 UTC 2009

2009/3/22 Thomas Kuther <gimpel at sonnenkinder.org>:
> On So, 22.03.09 09:37 Ian Monroe <ian.monroe at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The code is generated under generated_code. If phonon still doesn't
>> compile with the patch, just stop phonon from compiling by editing the
>> qmake file (a .prc file IIRC) in the qtbindings directory. Amarok
>> doesn't use the phonon qtscript bindings.
>> I think your lost because you're using an ebuild so you can't keep
>> track of whats going on.
>> Ian
> Thanks for the hint, Ian. It indeed still fails with the exact same
> error message even with the patch applied.
> Where the generated files should end up is clear, but what the java
> builder does is a mystery to me, so debugging why it fails to generate
> the cpp files for phonon seems hard:

I agree, this is quite difficult since its reading code but its not
using the normal GCC stuff. My guess is that its because you have the
phonon directory not located at $QTDIR/include/phonon. OpenSUSE does
(its QTDIR is /usr and it has eg /usr/include/QtCore and
/usr/include/phonon) which is why the patch works for me.

One straightforward solution might be to give full file paths to the
phonon includes on your system in qtscript_masterinclude.h.

Anyways glad to hear you got it to build. Currently Amarok 2 blocks
phonon usage anyways, since the idea of script writers using phonon is
a bit scary. :) However its not a waste of time to get it to work,
since I imagine other projects will use the qtscript qt bindings in
the future (eg Plasma).


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