moodbar renderer librarization?

Mark Kretschmann kretschmann at
Thu May 1 07:08:41 UTC 2008

On 5/1/08, Bryan Donlan <bdonlan at> wrote:
>  I maintain the moodbar package in Debian. There's a (rather old, I
>  really should've gotten to this sooner) wishlist bug asking for a
>  converter from mood files to image files; but rather than simply hacking
>  together a fork of the relevant code of amarok, I was wondering what the
>  amarok devs would think of spinning off the moodbar rendering code into
>  a library?
>  This would allow other media players to implement mood support as well,
>  and make the image converter easier to keep in sync with amarok (ie,
>  having the same themes, etc).
>  Any thoughts?

The thing is that Moodbar is an Amarok 1.x feature, and we're
completely focused on 2.0 now. So far no work has been done towards
porting Moodbar, and it's not even clear at this point if it will ever
be ported.

A 2.0 version of this feature would probably need to utilize Phonon
instead of GStreamer, and would need to integrate better with Amarok.


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