Summer of Code application draft

Ian Monroe ian at
Mon Mar 17 16:14:08 UTC 2008

On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 10:00 AM, William Viana <vianasw at> wrote:
> Thank you all for the feedback.
>  > A roadmap would be good, especially since you're European and only
>  >  have odd parts of the summer and spring off.
>  >
>  Well, not really. I have july, august and part of september off, but
>  in juny is my examination period and if I was chosen I could postpone
>  most of it, if not all, to september. This way I could  dedicate full
>  time to the project, I guess I should include that on the application.

Awesome. :)

>  > Really I don't see this as an extra task. The tasks you list up to now
>  >  are pretty limited in their scope (though that zooming stuff could
>  >  take some time). Also you probably won't be the only one working on
>  >  the context view.
>  Unfortunately Leo and me haven't talked about how long it would take
>  to implement this. I've just told him these ideas but he hasn't seem
>  the draft yet. My plan was to try to discuss it with him. In any case,
>  those ideas weren't meant as an extra task, but rather ideas for the
>  project idea description "Context View development and Applet
>  writing", focussing in the layouting, rearrangement and organization
>  of applets and the packaging system.

The packaging system might indeed take more work, probably mostly on
the KNewStuff2 front.

>  >  Leo is going to be gone for the next week, but he'll be back in time
>  >  for when people officially send their proposals in on March 24th.
>  >  Maybe I'm wrong about the time the tasks will take, seeing how you've
>  >  been in contact with him. So don't worry about it if I am wrong. ;) I
>  >  guess a timeline would be helpful just to see how long you think the
>  >  tasks will take.
>  In that case it would be a little a bit complicated to write a
>  timeline without Leo :/
>  I guess we should talk a little bit on irc.

Well go ahead and submit your proposal on March 24th, with a note that
you plan on talking to Leo more about the timing of the project.
Submitting imperfect proposals early is better then submitting perfect
proposals later. :)  You can edit your proposal after submission so
this isn't a problem.


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