Summer of Code application draft

William Viana vianasw at
Mon Mar 17 15:00:17 UTC 2008

Thank you all for the feedback.

> A roadmap would be good, especially since you're European and only
>  have odd parts of the summer and spring off.

Well, not really. I have july, august and part of september off, but
in juny is my examination period and if I was chosen I could postpone
most of it, if not all, to september. This way I could  dedicate full
time to the project, I guess I should include that on the application.

> Really I don't see this as an extra task. The tasks you list up to now
>  are pretty limited in their scope (though that zooming stuff could
>  take some time). Also you probably won't be the only one working on
>  the context view.

Unfortunately Leo and me haven't talked about how long it would take
to implement this. I've just told him these ideas but he hasn't seem
the draft yet. My plan was to try to discuss it with him. In any case,
those ideas weren't meant as an extra task, but rather ideas for the
project idea description "Context View development and Applet
writing", focussing in the layouting, rearrangement and organization
of applets and the packaging system.

>  Leo is going to be gone for the next week, but he'll be back in time
>  for when people officially send their proposals in on March 24th.
>  Maybe I'm wrong about the time the tasks will take, seeing how you've
>  been in contact with him. So don't worry about it if I am wrong. ;) I
>  guess a timeline would be helpful just to see how long you think the
>  tasks will take.

In that case it would be a little a bit complicated to write a
timeline without Leo :/
I guess we should talk a little bit on irc.

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