coverflow for amarok 2

Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen admin at
Sun Mar 9 23:21:19 UTC 2008

Monday 10 March 2008 Shane King wrote:
> Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen wrote:
> >   It would seem you've not kept up on just how the eye works ;) It *is* a
> > lot easier to spot an image rather than a text when scrolling - what do
> > you think nick colouring is for in IRC? :)
> It has nothing to do with the eye, and everything to do with the
> fingers: the text scrolls to exactly the right place when I type in a
> list. Try it in iTunes, I guarantee that typing in the list when you
> have thousands of albums is way faster and more accurate than scrolling
> through that many images. Heck, I can reach the right spot by typing
> faster than iTunes can even *load* the images for display while
> scrolling through them.

  Yes, of course any argument which includes browsing will be killed by an 
argument including searching - but you see, not everybody wants to do that 
typing thing ;) And really, the two can very well be combined - our search 
box in the collection is, as you know, a filter. So, imagine the following 
use case: You enter the filter "sunrise" and find that oh no, i have four 
tracks with that in them! (yeah, i just did that ;) ). My next step at any 
rate is not to read through those four items, in stead i look at the four 
album covers to recognise which track i'm after. So... Why do the two things 
have to be mutually exclusive? Filter to narrow the field, and cd tower to 
find the final destination :)

..Dan // Leinir..

                          or no

                          - Piet Hein

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